Join for 2024 Summer hands-on programs today!

Find A Beekeeper

These are resources and contacts of local beekeepers in Saskatchewan. There are Organizations, Government Branches, as well as small clubs and facebook groups so you can find your new best-beekeeping friends!

If you aren’t finding what you are looking for, reach out! We have been around since 2010 and we can connect you with what you are seeking.

Geoff Wilson

Provincial Specialist (Apiculture)
Prince Albert Office
Ministry of Agriculture
Box 3003, Prince Albert
Saskatchewan, Canada S6V 6G1
Tel: 306-953-2304
Fax: 306-953-2440

Medhat Nasr

TAT Researcher
Applied Research- Technology Adaptation Program
Phone: (780) 916-9385

Pam Yule, Administrator
Box 441 Hafford Saskatchewan S0J 0A0
306-314-9571 E: info@saskbeekeepers. com

Saskatchwan Societies and Other Clubs

These are clubs and associations in Saskatchewan. They offer courses, and scheduled meetings and some offer field days and conferences. They are great organizations to grow with!

*If you know of or are a part of a beekeeping club, organization, or Facebook group you don’t see listed here, please let us know. We would love to add it to the site.