Find A Quebec Beekeeper
These are resources and contacts of local beekeepers in Quebec. There are Organizations, Government Branches, as well as small clubs and Facebook groups so you can find your new best-beekeeping friends!
If you aren’t finding what you are looking for, reach out! We have been around since 2010 and we can connect you with what you are seeking.
Provincial Apiculturist
Julie Ferland, Médecin Vétérinaire
Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation (MAPAQ)
200, chemin Sainte-Foy, 11e étage, Québec (Québec) G1R 4X6
Quebec Federation of Beekeepers
House UPA
555, boul. Roland-Therrien Suite 225
Longueuil (Quebec) J4H 4E7
450 679-0540, extension 8601
Fax: 450 463-5226
Quebec Clubs and Groups
These are clubs, associations, and Facebook Groups. They offer courses, and scheduled meetings and some offer field days and conferences. They are great organizations to grow with!