Sampling for Nosema

Outcomes Learners will recognize the procedure for conducting a Nosema field test in a bee colony. Key Takeaways Nosema, a subtle fungal parasite, can affect bee colonies’ health without obvious signs. Sampling helps uncover its presence, enabling informed actions to protect bee vitality. Sampling for Nosema is an accessible process involving collecting bees, […]
How to Install a Nucleus Colony

Outcomes Learners will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to confidently install a nucleus colony. Key Takeaways Smart Purchasing: When buying a nucleus colony, ensure you ask the apiary for proof of inspection by a provincial inspector. Verify the age of the combs to avoid purchasing colonies with old and unhealthy comb structures. […]
Flower Power: Land Reclamation with Bees in Mind

Outcomes Learners will be able to understand the critical role of pollinator habitats, including the significance of pollen and nectar for bee health and colony sustainability. Key Takeaways Importance of pollen: Pollen, unique to each flower, not only serves as a source of nutrition but also contributes to the honeybee immune system, fostering […]
Oxalic Acid Sublimation

Outcomes Learners will gain the knowledge and skills to safely and effectively apply oxalic acid sublimation for varroa mite control in beekeeping. Key Takeaways Effective Varroa Mite Control: Discover how the innovative use of an oxalic acid sublimator wand provides a powerful method for addressing varroa mite infestations in beehives. Learn how this […]
How to Install a Bee Package

Outcomes Learners will be equipped with essential tips to confidently and effectively guide the process of installing a bee package. Key Takeaways Tip 1: Gather all hive equipment, including bottom board, frames, inner cover, lid, and entrance reducer. Tip 2: Elevate the beehive on a hive stand at least six centimeters off the ground […]
Gardening for Bees

Outcomes Learners will identify the top 10 bee-friendly plants for the prairies and gain insights on how to attract and support pollinators in their gardens. Click the link below to receive your free Garden Planning Guide. This work sheet will guide you through assessing the characteristics of your growing space, to help you take […]
Queen Rearing Equipment

Outcomes Learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of essential queen rearing equipment. Key Takeaways Learn how to use essential equipment, such as the Chinese Grafting Tool, designed to delicately scoop out larvae and royal jelly from cells for precise grafting into queen cups. This tool streamlines the process and increases the chances of […]
Performing a Survival Check

Outcomes Learners will understand how to conduct a survival inspection for beehives and implement effective spring feeding techniques to support the well-being and survival of bee colonies during the critical springtime period. Key Takeaways Survival inspections are vital health check-ups for beehives, allowing beekeepers to assess colony well-being and identify potential issues. Spring feeding […]
Reducing Honey Bee Drift

Outcomes Learners will be able to understand the significance of painting beehive boxes for honey bee orientation and recognize the key factors to consider when painting their hive. Key Takeaways Bees have impressive navigation skills within their colonies, but drift can occur in apiaries with multiple colonies. Hive orientation and visual landmarks help […]
Queen Rearing Basics

Outcomes Learners will acquire a foundational understanding of the essential techniques and practices involved in raising queens. Key Takeaways The queen rearing process begins with the presence of purple-eyed drone pupa, indicating the drones’ sexual maturity for mating with new queens. Pre-feeding the hives with light syrup and pollen patties stimulates development and provides […]