Level One Beekeeping Certificate Online

Start Your Beekeeping Journey: 50-Hour Online Certificate Open for Enrollment!

Controlling Varroa with IPM

Outcomes Students will have gain an awareness of various strategies for managing varroa mites and the differing levels of efficacy associated with these strategies.   Key Takeaways    There are 5 strategies for applying IPM: Prevention, Cultural, Mechanical, Biological, and Chemical.  Prevention is all about decreasing the risk of contact with diseases which are rated […]


Outcomes Learners will be able to recognize the signs of chalkbrood in honeybee colonies, understand effective prevention strategies, and comprehend appropriate treatments to mitigate its impact. Key Takeaways  Chalkbrood is a fungal disease affecting honeybee larvae, caused by Ascosphaera apis, and can be transmitted through ingestion of spores. Infected larvae undergo mummification, resulting in chalky-white […]