Level One Beekeeping Certificate Online

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“Swarming is a natural behavior of honeybee colonies wherein a portion of the bees, led by a new queen, leave the original hive to establish a new colony. However, when you’ve invested time and money into growing your hive, swarms can be inconvenient! In today’s video, join Hilary Kearney from Girl Next Door Honey. Hilary shares key insights on how to predict when your bees are going to swarm. 

When bees swarm they have warning signs that you will see typically swarming happens in the springtime or in the summer you’re going to see a lot more bees so your population will start to grow rapidly and you will start to see crowding when you pull off a box or when you pull the roof off of your hive you’ll see like a lot of bees on top of your frames um all over and so that’s a sign that they’re getting pretty full and they’re getting pretty crowded you’ll see an increase in the pollen and um you’ll see them starting to build new comb.

When they’re building the new comb if you’re foundationless you’ll see this you’ll see festooning happening if you’re using foundation you’ll start to see you know that nice white wax appearing on your foundation sheets another thing you’re going to see is drones so you’ll see a lot more drones happening in your colony and that’s a sign that your bees are are sensing that you know as a whole the bee community in your area is getting ready to start the mating season.

When you see those drones appear that’s a sign that you know swarming is going to begin when your bees are like we’re swarming you’ll see the first thing you’ll see are queen cups so this is like a pretty sure sign that your bees are planning to swarm.”

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